The acquisition and analysis of data in the natural sciences, particularly in computational neuroscience, has become increasingly complex and requires high-performance computing (HPC) and collaborative efforts. To address these challenges, there is a need for software platforms that integrate HPC systems, allowing scientists to construct and execute complex workflows, as demonstrated by the implementation of a workflow using tools such as NEST, SpiNNaker, and Elephant, embedded in the Collaboratory web-based platform.
Johanna Senk, Alper Yegenoglu, Olivier Amblet, Yury Brukau, Andrew Davison, David Roland Lester, Anna Lührs, Pietro Quaglio, Vahid Rostami, Andrew Rowley, Bernd Schuller, Alan Barry Stokes, Sacha Jennifer van Albada, Daniel Zielasko, Markus Diesmann, Benjamin Weyers, Michael Denker, Sonja Grün